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Avoid this big crypto mistake !


So, we can ALL learn from it !

Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach YOU how to start investing for and in yourself. The biggest mistake you can do in crypto is to be greedy by for example buying crypto on leverage. Kevin did that in the past and thought it was smart to do by using a 2x leverage. However, this was a huge mistake as he lost 80% of his net worth within just a few hours, back in March 2020, when the pandemic started. Thus, we highly suggest you to avoid buying crypto on leverage, to avoid going through this tough lesson too.


Our content is about education, not financial advice.

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Please ignore any other account(s) pretending to be one of us, use your common sense.

We will never contact you first, ask you any questions or send you any DM or email asking you to click on any links!


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Hi ! Coucou ! Hola !

I am Cíndy, a 32yo Swiss Digital Entrepreneur & Blogger since 2016.


Ex-Wedding & Events Planner across the globe, I am now working as Creative Digital Consultant & Coach at my own small biz CocoStories Agency.


I write blog posts in order to inspire and motivate Millennials & Gen Z women to invest in themselves and their future:

Financially, Mentally & Physically.

Proving & showing women in English, French and Spanish language that Crypto and Investing ain't just a geek guy thing!

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