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My Ultimate Christmas 2016 Wish List

Hello my lovelies! Christmas is only a little month away now and isn’t it one of the greatest and most magical moment of the year? Not only are we blessed to spend quality time with the people who matter the most to us but also it is the moment we hope to find THE perfect present that will make them really happy.

Now, it is also a marvelous time of the year for us, when our relatives start asking us what are the potential gifts that would set a big smile on our face while opening the presents under the Christmas tree. I don’t know about you but when I was a kid, it felt like writing my wish list to dear Santa, was really easy. However, the more we grow up, the more we have things, and the less we know what we would want. Or better said, we know what we want but it’s often way too expensive and we thus, ask for a bit of money there and there to then be able to buy this one expensive piece we have been dreaming for months if not years.

So as it always feels much more magical to open a present rather than a white envelope with money inside, I have carefully selected the pieces that would make me (and maybe you too) jump of happiness when discovering these beauties under our family Christmas tree.

My Ultimate Christmas 2016 Wish List

christmas 2016 wish list

1) The Clutch

As you might have noticed already, I like to mix trendy prints and textures when it comes to my outfits. So I totally fell in love with this beautiful Clutch from Bon Prix. I really like their clothes and accessories in general but this beauty stole my heart, so I really hope I will happily find it under my Christmas tree!

2) The Faux-Fur Jacket

Although I already have tones of winter jackets, including at least 3 faux-fur jackets, this one from Zara is just so so pretty that I really wish I can have it joining my collection!

3) The Red Lipstick

I can already hear my boyfriend laugh and scream: “Cindy, you are really crazy!” So yes, I agree I already have a huge collection of lipsticks but I don’t have the Ruby Woo from Mac yet, and yes I know I have a lot of red lipsticks, but each single one always has a different tone (even if to guys red is red). So darling, don’t question too much and if you are still unsure what smaller gift you want to get me for Xmas, then now you know. Hi hi hi…

4) The Lingerie

In terms of lingerie, I like it when it’s black, pretty and comfy. So I would love to find some delicate pieces from Intimissimi under the Christmas tree.

5) The Dress

Now, if I happen to find this sparkling green beauty from Ivyrevel under our Christmas tree, I will run with it to my bedroom and put it on so that I can already make good use of it on Christmas Eve!

6) The Earrings Set

When I discovered my dream Clutch on Bon Prix online shop, I was going through their fashion categories and saw this cute earrings set. I have been looking for moons and these kind of long and thin earrings for a while now, so am definitely adding it to my wish list and hope to discover it under the tree. And if they are not among the gifts, I will just get them myself as my own little present!

7) The Velvet Shoes

I can’t do my wish list without adding a stunning velvet piece to it! Since I have seen these grey velvet babies on Quanticlo, I have been dreaming to have my little feet in them! Just hope that if I am lucky enough to get them, they will be as comfy as my other shoes I already have from this brand.

8) The Watch

Because having my feet in a pair of velvet high-heels might not be enough “velvet vibes”, I would jump of happiness if I would happen to discover this dark blue velvet watch from Cluse, when opening my presents. Too bad I can’t seem to find it in gold with this dark blue velvet strap… Maybe I should only put the Dark Blue Velvet Straps part on my wish list and not the watch itself, since I already have two and can change the straps on them.

9) The Bracelet

I have this thing for this kind of “rebellious” gold bracelet style since I received a very special one 3 years ago. This one from Ivyrevel is really pretty and would definitely look nice on my right wrist, next to a watch.

10) The Camera

Although 2016 was a tough year for me, the best thing that has happened is that I started my blog in July. I really enjoy creating useful and fun content as well as taking beautiful pictures and sharing them with you here on the blog and on my Instagram. By the way don’t forget to follow me there too. So now, although my iPhone 6s is absolutely wonderful and takes stunning and high quality photographs, I would like to take my blogging photography to the next level. Thus, I have been comparing cameras for the past 5 months and am finally getting closer to find THE one which I hope will keep on making you coming back to find high-quality content on my blog. Obviously, the two I am still deciding on are both over my budget but I’ll just spare the money to get one of them. Cause I really want to ensure the quality of my captures will be PERFECT! So I am hesitating between the Nikon D610 and the Lumix GX8. Any advice are more than welcome! 🙂

Now I want to know what is on YOUR Christmas 2016 Wish List?

Thanks so much for reading and I look forward to seeing your pretty face next week for a new article on!

Muaks, Muaks,



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I am Coco, a Swiss Blogger since 2016.

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