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  • Bitcoin vs Ethereum (English)

    Welcome back on the blog ! Happy to have you here. :) Here is a simplified overview of the differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are the two most important cryptocurrencies in this space. Since I am here to help beginners to understand crypto, I am going to oversimplify my explanation. :) Bitcoin can be described as a "store of value" due to its limited supply and its perceived value which has led to people describing it as digital gold. The anti-cryptos (including bankers, some of the baby boomers and most governments, for example, will be quick to contradict this). After all, everyone has their own opinion and their own view of things. Only time will tell who is right :) There will never be more than 21 million bitcoin. This limit, known as the "hard cap", is encoded in Bitcoin's source code and enforced by nodes on the network. Bitcoin's hard cap is central to its value proposition, both as a money and an investment. Whereas Ethereum can be described as "programmable money" as you can build distributed apps (similar as iOS or Android), decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols that can replace financial services, and mint non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain. Now, Bitcoin supply is limited but the supply of Ethereum is unlimited. Despite the difference in price, you can easily buy a fraction of Bitcoin and Ethereum on many exchanges. For more information on exchanges you can use, check out my recent post called “Best apps to buy crypto”. As always, I hope this post helps you slowly feel more comfortable with crypto and blockchain. Thanks for reading this weekly crypto blog posts and if you have any question, feel free to DM on Instagram ! Take care for now and remember, Crypto ain't just a guy thing ! See ya next week on the blog for a new crypto for beginners post. Bisous, Cíndy

  • Comment gagner du revenu passif grâce à tes cryptos ?

    Voici comment gagner des revenus passifs avec ta crypto en 5 étapes simples: Tu télécharges ton application d'échange de crypto préférée (Binance, FTX ou Kraken... pour n'en citer que quelques-unes). Tu achètes ta/tes crypto(s) préférée(s) en utilisant l'une des applications mentionnées ci-dessus. Tu télécharges l'application Yield ou l'application Celsuis Network. Tu envoies tes cryptos depuis ton application d'échange vers l'application Yield ou l'application Celsuis. Si tu as choisi Celsius, tadaaaa c'est tout, tu vas commencer à gagner des intérêts ou des revenus passifs chaque lundi à partir de maintenant ! Question / réponse hebdomadaire sur les crypto-monnaies pour les débutants, basées sur TES questions. Nous t’apprenons comment commencer à investir pour et en toi-même. @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista par Important: Notre contenu a pour but de t’informer et non de te conseiller. Nous avons uniquement 1 compte chacun sur Instagram: @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista , tous les autres profils avec des noms similaires aux nôtres sont des faux profils, merci de les ignorer et les bloquer. Nous ne te contacterons jamais en premier ni en MP ni email, afin de te poser des questions (sur tes investissements ou autre) et nous ne t’enverrons jamais de lien ! Si tu reçois un truc du genre, ça vient d’un faux compte qui veut te scammer ton argent ! J’espère que notre contenu t’es utile ! :) N’oublie pas que si tu veux en savoir plus, tu peux t’abonner à nos comptes Instagram pour plus de contenu ! Sinon, rendez-vous ici sur le blog, chaque semaine ! Allez bisousss et si tu as des questions, tu sais où nous trouver ! Cindy

  • How can I make passive income with my crypto ?

    Here is how to make passive income with your crypto in 5 easy steps: You download your favorite crypto exchange app (Binance, FTX or Kraken... to only name a few) You buy your favorite crypto using one of the apps mentioned above You download Yield app or Celsuis Network app You send your coins from your exchange app to either Yield app or Celsuis app If you choose Celsius, tadaaaa that's it, you will start earning interests or passive income every Monday from now on ! Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach you how to start investing for and in yourself. @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista by Disclaimer: Our content is about education, not advice. We only have 1 official account each: @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista Please ignore any other account(s) pretending to be one of us, use your common sense. We will never contact you first, ask you questions or send you any DM or email asking you to click on any links! See you on Insta for daily tips and next week here for a new Q&A ! Big hugs and if you have questions, you know where to find us ! Cindy

  • Why you should compound your money

    Compounding Your Money - One of the most powerful assets you have is time. Most investors don't understand how compounding works and how powerful it is. The math can be difficult, but I learned early in my investing journey how to make it easy. And now I am going to make it easy for you. The Rule of 72 What Is the Rule of 72? The Rule of 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment will take to double given a fixed annual rate of interest. By dividing 72 by the annual rate of return, investors obtain a rough estimate of how many years it will take for the initial investment to duplicate itself. To simplify, if you can produce a 9% return annually, it will take you 8 years to double your money. 9 x 8 = 72 I am going to assume most of my followers are 30 years old or below. Let's say you are 25 years old. If you can invest $5,000 in the $SPY (S&P 500 Index, a basket of the 500 largest companies in the USA) today with a historical average return of 8% per year, let's see how much you can net by the time you retire. Every 9 years we are doubling. 5k to 10k. (34 yrs old) 10k to 20k (43 yo) 20k to 40k (52 yo), 40k to 80k (61k yo) 80k to 160k (70 yo) $5,000 turns into $160,000, and all you have to do is buy the $SPY once (at 25 yo) and hold it “forever” without ever selling (until 70 yo). Now if the return is 9%, or 10%, those numbers skyrocket. In the illustration above, you can see how important it is to start early. NOW, this was if you invested just once (5k) at 25 without ever investing more again. If you can save and invest an additional 5k a year (or 400$ a month), you can start to do the math on how quickly you can get to 5m or 10m, or how much faster you get to 1m (or whatever your retirement number is). I hope this lesson makes it easy for you to plan and helps you understand how important saving/investing immediately is. For every $5k you spend on stupid shit today, you give up $160k in the future. It should make you think twice before spending foolishly. Lastly, if you LOSE money, you kill the whole equation. Consistency is key. Small losses are ok but if you wipe out 50% on a trade, you just destroyed the model (SO DO NOT TRADE!). The lesson is, slow and steady wins (i.e. BUY, HOLD and REINVEST INTERESTS AND DIVIDENDS) There is a reason why Buffett and the other OG's have made so much. It's the compounding magic. Buffett is 89! Extend the 5k model out, 160k to 320k (79 yo) 320k to 640k (87 yo) All on 5k only (and without having to do any work) Save/Spend/Invest wisely. In the next post, we will see why crypto is “compounding on steroids”, meaning that, in crypto, compounding works even faster which means you can start with less than 5k and make more than you could ever dream of, or retire much faster than you thought was ever possible. Text written by @crypto.with.kev

  • Russia / Ukraine war : What does it mean for crypto ?

    Russia / Ukraine war : What does it mean for crypto ? That's a question most people in the finance industry wonder, as well as any world citizen lately, since the various announcements of banks freezing money and all transactions in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, as well as Canada and Lebanon recently too. Since the war started, Ukrainians have to escape their home country and Russians can no longer : WITHDRAW MONEY USE THEIR CREDIT CARDS BUY US DOLLARS OR ANY OTHER WESTERN CURRENCIES TRADE IN THE STOCK MARKET BUY ANY WESTERN GOODS (AS MOST BRANDS, INCLUDING APPLE AMONGST OTHERS, STOPPED FULLY THEIR SELLING ACTIVITIES IN RUSSIA) As bad as the current situation is, disruption creates an opportunity. Crypto is an alternative system that is apolitical and borderless. It doesn't stop because there is a war nor does it stop working because you cross a border. Bitcoin and Ethereum cannot be stopped nor frozen, which creates a “shadow economy” for anyone who has an internet connection. People choosing to hold a chunk of their savings in crypto instead of fiat currencies (dollars, euros, ruble, etc) are hedged against geopolitical events such as wars, because they can be in full control of their crypto currencies. What’s happening in Russia, Ukraine, and like what happened in Canada lately, creates a ripple effect as other countries and their citizens watch carefully and think: “Could this happen to us too? Could I get my bank account frozen because I am protesting, like what happened in Canada? Or even scarier, could they decide to “freeze my central bank” (like what happened in Russia where the us dollars and the euros are frozen)? The current geopolitical situations we’ve witnessed lately in first world countries shows the limitations of the current financial system (where the currencies can be “weaponized” or frozen at will). This makes more and more people realize that the alternative financial system (crypto) can make sense for a chunk of their savings / investments, because no one can seize, freeze, or ban bitcoin, Ethereum or other crypto assets. This does not mean that crypto markets should pump in the short term though. When the broad markets sell off and liquidity events happen, crypto tends to sell off first and the hardest (which is not certain to happen but could happen). However, in the longer term, more people realize the benefits and need of sovereign money (such as BTC) and adoption increases, which will result into higher crypto prices at some point. 2 Take aways from this blog post : 1) Governments can freeze your bank accounts at will (even in the developed countries) and can also freeze central banks (which never happened before), but they cannot freeze bitcoin and crypto. 2) The war is showing the limitations of the current financial system, which proves the case for bitcoin and the crypto economy. These statements and text have been written by Kevin, with the help of Cindy, taken from one of Kevin's greatest podcast with Alex Mashinsky, CEO Celsius.Network | VOIP2MOIP | 3X Unicorn Founder | TransitWireless | Arbinet | $3B in Exits $1B $ raised @mashinsky · Celsius Network. You can watch the full podcast video interview here: Follow @crypto.with.kev for daily info about crypto and make sure to subscribe to Yield Labs to stay updated with the latest crypto news and watch the most amazing interviews with the world's biggest crypto leaders and CEO's ! Hope this post is helpful to you ! See you soon! Hugs, Cindy

  • C' est quoi la crypto ?

    "Crypto info for women beginners" La crypto, les NFT's, la blockchain, le web3... On entend ces mots bizarres partout depuis un moment et c'est soudainement devenu "trendy" on dirait... Que ça soit sur les réseaux sociaux, entre amis, famille ou collègues, ces sujets deviennent quasiment inévitables et en tant que femmes, ça peut vite nous sembler super compliqué car c'est ce que Messieurs nous font penser avec leurs expressions de geeks. Et si je te disais que moi aussi au début j'étais totalement perdue malgré que j'investie dans la crypto depuis 2017 ? Pourtant aujourd'hui, je comprends déjà beaucoup mieux ces sujets d'investissements et j'ai l'impression du coup que je fais partie du peu de femmes, à l'heure actuelle, qui a à coeur de non pas te faire dépenser ton argent en sacs de luxe ou maquillage dont tu n'as clairement pas besoin, mais qui souhaite plutôt et sincèrement te motiver à investir une partie de ton salaire mensuel (10% ça serait top, si tu y arrives!) en crypto ou en stocks, pour ton avenir. C'est pas nouveau, le système actuelle s'écroule à grande vitesse, le monde a changé et change chaque seconde que tu respires. Du coup, je pense personellement qu'on peut dire "ciao ciao" en Suisse (et ailleurs) à notre retraite en vue du monde actuelle. En tant que femme, on a toujours été pénalisé financièrement mais il est grand temps que l'on change cela et cela commence par s'éduquer sur les finances et investir en soi, sans espèrer qu'un jour, nos parents, un homme/une femme ou le gouvernement viennent nous sauver sur un cheval blanc et nous amène dans un chateau de marbre blanc et de parures d'or... Compter juste sur nous-même fait partie des bonnes habitudes à prendre et t'évitera bien des problèmes. Après tout, savoir gérer tes finances et avoir de l'argent investi et non pas un dressing à craquer d'accessoires fashion inutiles, c'est un grand pas vers ta libérté. Alors, c'est quoi la crypto ? La crypto, c'est "simplement" de la monnaie digitale ! La crypto est toujours associée à un projet... C'est la valeure ajoutée du projet dans le monde de la crypto qui te dit si il est viable ou non Tu veux un exemple ? Un projet : FTX C’est une plateforme d’échange de crypto-monnaies créée par des traders, pour des traders. FTX est un projet stable qui gagne en popularité et qui pourrait constituer un bon investissement à long terme. Il s'efforce de développer une plateforme suffisamment robuste pour les sociétés de trading professionnelles et suffisamment intuitive pour les utilisateurs débutants. Sa crypto token: FTT Plus le projet est utile dans le monde de la crypto, plus il peut se développer. Je te partage tout en images et si tu as des questions, tu sais où me trouver ! :) A très vite! Cindy

  • Best apps to buy crypto ?

    Now that you know what the heck crypto is, it's time to take action and start investing a little bit of your (extra/saved) money (step by step for a start, yes) in your favorite crypto projects. You may not know yet which crypto to invest in, so I highly suggest you to do your own research. A fairly easy way is for you to go on coinbase website and start reading each day about a new coin, starting at the top with bitcoin and then going down the list. Don't overwhelm yourself. Learning one coin per day is already very good. As I already got the question a few times, I personally own a few parts of BTC, ETH and LUNA coins. These three crypto have each a strong and pretty stable project behind them. As I am no expert in crypto and I am learning as I go, I mainly own these 3 coins thanks to my brother Kevin, who was smart and lucky enough to have successfully made a great amount of money with his previous business and his crypto investment. I trust him with closed eyes as not only he is my brother and he is known to do all he can to help people get closer to financial freedom like he did, but also because he is one of the rare guy I know who has been studying and still closely studies the crypto market since the past few years now. His personal investment results speak for himself. No one can predict the future and investing is at our own risks, but if we never try, we will never know and I really don't want to be part of the FOMO crowd. Soooo, here are some of the best apps to buy crypto and where you can find the ones I own (in no specific order): TO BUY BITCOIN : Binance Kraken FTX And many other exchanges ! TO BUY ETHEREUM : Binance Kraken FTX And many other exchanges ! TO BUY LUNA OR SOLANA : Binance Kraken FTX And many other exchanges ! Hope this helps ! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions ! :) Big hugs, Cíndy

  • What is crypto ?

    After lots of requests, this is it! 😄 👉🏽 Let’s start this “crypto for women beginners” journey together, so you can ALL learn something new about #web3 weekly and start investing in yourself and your future ! 💪🏽😊 👉🏽 I can’t count the number of times I got this DM lately: “WHAT THE HECK IS CRYPTO? I don’t understand anything… please help me, I want to understand it, so I can start invest for my future too!” 🥰 So, What the heck IS CRYPTO ? Crypto is "simply" digital money It is always associated to a project It's the project added value that will tell you if a crypto is durable or not The more the project is useful in the crypto space, the more it can grow. Need an example ? A project : FTX It is a cryptocurrency exchange built by traders, for traders. FTX is a stable project growing in popularity, that could be a good investment in the long term. It strives to develop a platform robust enough for professional trading firms and intuitive enough for first-time users/beginners. It's crypto token: FTT Hope this explaination is helpful to you and if so, feel free to share it with your favorite women and comment with any question you may have, so I can focus my next content on your needs ! ✌🏽😘 🔑 Crypto ain’t just a guy thing ! 😉 Ps: learning most of this crypto stuff thanks to my brother @crypto.with.kev ! Go follow him if you want to get a deeper knowledge and get chances to win crypto weekly ! 💪🏽😘 For more daily inspo, follow me on Instagram @cocorebelista !

  • Should I trade my crypto ?

    The best investment books 📚 all say the same: 👉🏽 it is impossible to trade in and out of the markets and do better than if you just bought and held your asset forever. 🧐 The proof? Fidelity, one of the largest asset managers, did a study showing that the investors with the best performance over time are those who are... DEAD. 😵 Yes, you read it right. Deceased people are the best investors. Why? 🤔 Because they can't trade anymore: they are technically being forced to "hold their assets forever and never sell" (which is proven to be the best investing strategy to build wealth).💰 Now, take these facts and apply them to #crypto . And it will just work the same. 👉🏽 As counter intuitive as it sounds, the best crypto investors are those who regularly buy (say weekly or monthly) and NEVER SELL. 👉🏽 You are tricking yourself if you believe that crypto markets going up and down like crazy, makes it easy to "buy low and sell high" and repetitively make money. If you try to do so, it might work once or twice (call it "LUCK"🍀) but you will end up losing money on average in the long term or at least will do less well than your grandma 👵🏽 to whom you just set up Bitcoin monthly recurring buys forever and who doesn't even know how to sell. 😆 ❌ What's even worse: when you try to trade the markets (buy and sell all the time), you actually ruin your mental health and your sleep, which are much more valuable than actual money. 🧘🏽‍♂️ All this, to end up losing at this game at the end of the day, month or year. ✅ Once you understand these FACTS, successful investing becomes pretty much a no brainer: just BUY regularly your favorite (crypto) asset and hold it forever. Do not let your ego come on the way of your successful investing side hustle! 🙅🏽‍♂️ You'll not only sleep better at night but you'll also make more money than all your friends who like to sound smart and think they can make money with short term trading. ✌🏽😊 Source and content in collaboration with @crypto.with.kev Stay tuned for more info on web3 ! Cindy

  • Web3 is the next generation of the internet

    Web3 is the next generation of the internet: the internet of value. 🚀 Web3 and crypto are changing the game in about every industry: 1) Bitcoin is “unstoppable money”, it is the best long term store of value ever engineered. Think of it as digital property with a totally fixed supply. It is designed to protect the people against fiat currencies devaluation (central banks money printing) and has been working wonderfully well at this task, being up about 9,000,000% in value versus the USD since it was created in 2009. 2) Ethereum is “unstoppable code”. Think of it as the IOS or the Android for decentralized applications. The Ethereum platform helped build a few killer apps that are changing the world as we speak: 👉🏽 Stablecoins (crypto backed USD): enabling anyone to send money 24/7 within minutes to anyone else no matter who they are or where they are, by skipping the banking system and at a fraction of the costs. 👉🏽 Decentralized finance: enabling people to earn interests on their cash easily. It is fairly easy to earn 10-20% on your cash in the crypto ecosystem versus 0% in your bank. In other words, you can earn passive income and retire early just thanks to this crypto “killer app” - interests on your money. 👉🏽 NFTs : a non-fungible token (NFT) in its simplest form is any kind of digital file that you can personally own and whose ownership is proven publicly. NFTs are probably one of the biggest killer app in crypto, enabling the creation of economies around communities that are similar to “private membership clubs” and that can l only be accessed if you own a certain NFT. NFTs are changing how artists showcase and sell their artwork, how bands interact with their fans and how brands can build even stronger relationships with their customers by turning them into true evangelists. The amazing thing? 🧐 You can invest early in the underlying Web3 platforms by buying a bit of BTC and ETH regularly, while the biggest generational wealth transfer (from the boomers to the millennials and genZ) is happening and thus build a better future for yourself 💰 Source in collaboration with @crypto.with.kev Stay tuned for more info on web3 ! Cindy

  • What is crypto and web3 ?

    What is crypto and web3 ? Hey guys! I am really excited to officially start sharing our knowledge and personal experience in crypto and web3 with you, so that we can all win this crypto game together! In this post, you will learn about the differences between #web1 #web2 & #web3 ! Ready ? 👉🏽 Let’s look at the evolution of the internet. 1990 - 2005: It all started with “Web1” in the 90s, which enabled people to read all sorts of information online. 2005 - 2021: Then, we had what we call “Web2” which is also known as (aka) the mobile, social media and blogging wave. Most of the value accrue to a few companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon and the problem is that most of the power is held by these big platforms and you have very limited control over it. 2021 - … Now the revolution with “Web3”, aka #blockchains , is that there is no middle man. 👉🏽 Web3 is the internet owned by the builders and the users (throughout tokens) 👉🏽 YOU own your own data. 👉🏽 YOU cannot be censored. 👉🏽 And as a content creator, for example, YOU own your audience and can take it to another better platform anytime. 🗣 This is MASSIVE and it’s already filtering through every industry: art, music, finance and fashion amongst others. As Chris Dixon sums it up: 👉🏽 Web 1 is Read 👉🏽 Web 2 is Read – Write 👉🏽 Web 3 is Read – Write – Own Hope this helps you! Stay tuned for more Crypto, NFT's and web3 content, in collaboration with @crypto.with.kev See you again soon on the blog and take care ! Cindy

  • CoRe Wellness & Beauty in Zürich - Lymphatic drainage

    Water retention is something many of us suffer from, yet we don’t even know we have it. We tend to believe the extra weight we feel comes from our diet or eventual lack of exercise. Now, even though these two causes may be true for some of us, it is not necessarily the case. I personally had to take way too many antibiotics at the beginning of 2021, after I caught a really bad bacterium. I went to see a few Doctors and since they could not find the issue right away, they gave me different antibiotics. Once my 1-month long treatment was finally over, I was left with a lot of water retention, I gained a lot of weight too in the process and knew something was not right. At that time, I did not know that I was about to meet a person that changed my life and health for the better, Lucyna. She is the very talented and professional owner of CoRe Wellness & Beauty in Zürich Kreis 1 - Lymphatic drainage/Kompressionstherapie PRO + AROSHA Body Wraps based in Zürich, Switzerland. She is deeply passionate about health and beauty from inside and out and has a very strong knowledge on natural and Chinese medicine. Firstly, Lucyna asked me various questions and just by looking at my tongue and my person, she already had so many insights on what was going on with my health. I met quite a few health professionals in my life, but the precious tips Lucyna gave me were the most efficient I ever heard and received. She informed me how antibiotics affect the body, and how important it is to adjust my nutrition and lifestyle to my condition and my body type. I realized that I needed to adjust my diet which I followed for years - what and how I eat and drink up to 85% of cold food and drinks, since years. This on top of having taken antibiotics for 1 month, completely put my body out of balance - Homeostasis. No health professional had ever told me about the importance of homemade specially prepared foods and drinks. I knew there were some serious changes to be made in my lifestyle and food was going to be a big part of it. Lucyna gave me a list of ingredients to cook and eat as well as so many insightful information. I have decided not to share all her tips here, to respect her work and as these are way too precious to be given away so freely. Instead, I recommend you to go meet her in person. I started my lymphatic drainage journey of 12 sessions at CoRe Wellness & Beauty a few months ago and we took my scary measurements (I had never felt THAT thick in my entire life). Lucyna uses a special machine for lymphatic drainage and I have to say, each session felt really relaxing, to the point I would fall asleep the few times she was not giving me many precious tips on how to improve my health even more. I can’t tell enough how much of a gem Lucyna is. After the 2-3 sessions, I started to see results on my body as well as within, since I was being more active in my life, the warmer food and drink were giving me more energy and the water retention would decrease at each session. After my 12th session, Lucyna took my measurements again and WOW, I lost 5cm on my belly and my hips! Of course, I could feel I was much lighter than when I started the treatment. I had changed a lot of things in my lifestyle, but I did not realize that the change was THAT great and that I would finally fit in my previous 38 jeans size, which I never thought I would be fitting in again any time soon after the weight I had gained at the beginning of the year, following the bacteria issues. One thing is sure, there is no secret magic formula, making us healthy and fit over night. We must be highly disciplined and find the right person to genuinely help us on our journey to a better version of ourselves. And then, we have to do the work for ourselves, while applying the precious advice received by those who know what is best for us. The lymphatic drainage was a really important part of my process to be back in shape but so were the personalized advice and insightful knowledge of Lucyna. Lucyna welcomes you, offering a whole health experience that goes far beyond the treatment you are doing. She could have just set the lymphatic drainage machine for me, but no. Instead, she offers you a freshly warm freshly prepared special Tea, asks you how you are feeling, checks your tongue, can feel in which area of your body you may have issues, gut, liver, etc. and offers you natural and efficient solutions to heal yourself. Lucyna just somehow knows what is going on with you and this feels nice and reassuring. For more information about the treatment I made, feel free to contact Lucyna at CoRe Wellness & Beauty. She is also specialized in skin care treatments and made miracles, healing acne on many of her patients. You can find Lucyna at: CoRe Wellness & Beauty Gerechtigkeitsgasse 19 8001 Zürich - Kreis 1 - Bahnhof Selnau Tel: +41 75 417 4855 e-mail: ONLINE BOOKING : or To sum up, since my treatment, I feel much healthier and lighter. I make much better food choices than I ever did before, focusing on slowly cooked meals rather than cold food or anything processed. I can only recommend Lucyna to anyone wanting to take good care of themselves in and out. I hope you enjoyed this review and thank you for reading it! Big hugs, Cíndy

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